Tuesday, 26 April 2011

The wheel that turns...

Tinus and Sandy was the first clients to come to my studio at home. 27/08/2009...at that stage THE studio consisted of my proper lighting kit, 2 white sheets from Pep stores and my trusty Canon 400D.
It was their first family pictures with their little precious baby boy Tian. Imagine the things running through your head at that stage. :)

Now, 2 years later...guess who came for a visit for my last official family shoot as a resident in RP. (And obviously I'm a great fan of any type of nostalgia.)

Well, to tell the absolute truth...they are one precious little family, I loved doing their first shoot, I loved doing the last one...(for now) Can't think of a better way of leaving and I can't wait to see them in future...

1 comment:

  1. Dit is SOOOOO mooi Lizelle. Nie gedink dit is moontlik nie, maar jy raak net beter en beter. WELL DONE!!!!
