Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Playing hide and seek!

So we're finally in our own house, my Castle!!! Yeah Baby! After unpacking nearly all the boxes, I realized that one of the last gifts I received was completely missing. Well well, this was not just a was a very special gift, a gift fit for a princes, a dancer, a model, a bride...or a gift fit for an absolute dreamer like me. It might as well be a whole new summery of what's going on in my head.

 [Oh just get to the point]

In a huge black plastic bag was 2 evening gowns and 2 corset's, and I was dreaming about this parcel since end of April, about the same time I started my very first post on this blog.

Well, after moving twice it just vanished...poooof!!! Into thin air. I blamed the poor moving company, thinking terrible thoughts of them doing horrible things with my princess-attire...

So after a bit of resting, traveling and working I was kinda forced to finish unpacking the last boxes. Now just guess what I found in the very very last box ... MAGIC!!! All squished up in a tiny little bundle.
i just had to play dress-up with my needlework dolly...INFACT, I moved my ironing-board right in front of it...because now, instead of repeating the same old mantra "I hate ironing, I hate ironing" I'm daydreaming of magical photo shoots, creating dance moves for "You think you can dance" or just dreaming the moment away.
I decided that this piece...consisting out of TEN layers of material...will be the official starting point of my decor and renovating ideas. My theme...Day Dreaming!!!
The guest room will be my first project, and the end result will be a place where you want to spend your time dreaming up magical stories, or just rest :)

10 layers of material, I counted it...TEN!!! How wonderful 

Friday, 24 June 2011

We moved to Windhoek beginning of May, THE BIG CITY :).  That's little less than two months ago. Which is fine, keeping in mind that I left my whole studio behind and traded our huge mine-house for a rented duet house with two bedrooms and a tiny study. 
But now, TODAY, I'm starting to seriously miss my photo shoots. I miss the loving families and wild kids running around my studio lighting and boxes full of props. 
If all goes well we will be moving into a awesome house at the end off July where my studio will be in full swing again. And guess what, this time I have space for a huge art gallery, where we will have art classes and all types of creative outbursts. That's definitely something to look forward to!!! 

So, what have I been up to while waiting for jet another move??? :) PAINTING!!!! So that will definitely make up for the lack of photography.

There's a few more on it's way...
I must say, although I do miss my photography, I'm more than happy to stay indoors and paint, because it's freezing cold outside!!!

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

The wheel that turns...

Tinus and Sandy was the first clients to come to my studio at home. 27/08/ that stage THE studio consisted of my proper lighting kit, 2 white sheets from Pep stores and my trusty Canon 400D.
It was their first family pictures with their little precious baby boy Tian. Imagine the things running through your head at that stage. :)

Now, 2 years later...guess who came for a visit for my last official family shoot as a resident in RP. (And obviously I'm a great fan of any type of nostalgia.)

Well, to tell the absolute truth...they are one precious little family, I loved doing their first shoot, I loved doing the last one...(for now) Can't think of a better way of leaving and I can't wait to see them in future...

Sunday, 24 April 2011

It's all in the eyes

Way back in 1997 I went through this eye-drawing stage...fascinated by the colour, shape and little dark specs drifting around, making each and every person unique ...

14 years later I'm still fascinated, only now my interest went to capturing them with perfect crispness...

I think that is probably my whole reason for capturing people... The story eyes can tell you by just looking at their photograph!

I'm busy editing a family shoot, and this little angel is one of my favorite pictures of the shoot...Gorgeous child!!!
Dear Dairy... or not!?
This is my first little message and entry on my new blog.
Well, we are moving in a week's time to the big city after living in a small town in Southern Namibia.
City life. Can't even remember what that feels like after staying in Rosh Pinah for 8 years.
We got used to the wide open spaces and endless gravel roads. Most of the time not even realising who blessed we are... well, know after 8 years and interesting new experiences it's time to move back to the city to experience a brand new type of living and surviving..just to keep us on our toes :)

Long LONG open roads that leads us on new adventures and normally big shopping malls...(either Windhoek or Cape Town)